Thoughts are products or actions created by the mind voluntarily based on an order given to the brain through an external stimulus.
People’s thoughts have several characteristics, including being cumulative and developing over time.
Our minds harbor many thoughts that define our behaviors, which is why it’s crucial to identify those that hinder our personal growth.
Often, we become our own worst enemies when these limiting thoughts dominate our minds.
As humans grow, they encounter situations that they don’t always understand, but these situations create thoughts that limit various areas of their lives. The common denominator is that they self-sabotage. The good news is that we can eliminate these thoughts with the right attitude and by taking control of them.
Over the years, people acquire ideas about the world around them, but these are not always based on our own perspectives but rather external influences. In other words, over time, we go through processes that lead us to incorrect conclusions based on certain experiences. For example, when we think in terms of a stereotype that is entirely valid for our brain, we limit ourselves to that idea and find it difficult to see beyond it. This could cause problems in various areas of our lives, as we see only what we want to see and not what truly is, which may lead to making wrong decisions.
So, how can we identify our limiting beliefs or thoughts?
The first step is to identify these limiting thoughts in our minds. The best way to do this is with the help of paper and pencil to list them. At this moment, our brain works better because we are physically writing down these limiting ideas that lead us to make incorrect decisions.
Some specialists recommend starting with the most basic thoughts, such as those related to the areas we value most in our lives, such as family and friends, relationships, studies, and work.
During this process, it is a mistake to compare ourselves to others because it distracts us and makes us doubt our own abilities. The main idea is to study ourselves, not to focus on others.
When we observe ourselves from within, it becomes evident that we recognize our mistakes. Here, we need to learn from them, but not to bring them into the present, but to leave them in the past. Bringing past guilt into the present only limits us further. Our goal is to release these limiting beliefs and adopt new perspectives that align with our updated beliefs. Ideally, we should replace limiting ideas with ones that surpass our previous thoughts.
Another important point is to challenge limiting thoughts. They only bring fear, anxiety, and unhappiness. The fundamental task is to learn to challenge them regardless of their nature. Instead of letting them stop us, we should overcome them. By doing so, we will feel more confident and motivated to continue, gaining power and feeling in control of our lives.